As all of you concern, TBS - BTS is actually expected to be opened on 1st January 2011, merely as a new year present from the government to the people. Built with sophisticated environment, and much alike as an airport, TBS - BTS will definitely be the stepping stone in improving Malaysia express buses service landscape. I'm not going to review every single details on TBS - BTS amenities, but instead I'll take one which I think is the major concern that most of us often have when planning to purchase a bus ticket.It's the ticketing system.
I felt extremely blessed, when finally the authority oversee this ticketing problem that often we have in our bus station all over Malaysia. The system is not centralized, there are ulat tickets everywhere, and there are also this bus company workers trying to drag us to their counter so that we'll use their service. I found this very inconvenient. Why? Well, as most people felt, I feel afraid. It feels as if I'm harassed by this fellow, and my right in making choice which bus service that I wanna take is violated. And sometime, I was also forced to buy the ticket. Whoa. At that time, anyone will terribly feel fucked up.
When I heard that TBS - BTS is gonna implement a centralized ticketing system, where all those workers will only be in their respective counter and everything is going to be under control with people are allowed to make their choice without any emotional harassment, I think it's a great idea. No more people yelling "Penang, Penang sekarang!" or "JB, JB sekarang!" but in the end, we need to wait for at least 30 minutes to board the bus. Penipu betul.
But then, when I read this piece of article in Berita Harian, I sighed again and again. The system is about to be revoked back. Mereka juga menyifatkan cadangan pihak pengurusan terminal untuk mengambil alih sistem penjualan tiket bas ekspres dengan memperkenalkan ‘e-tiket’ dan mengenakan caj RM1 bagi setiap penumpang sebagai tidak praktikal.
Full article HERE I just hope the management will stay firm on their decision and won't change anything. They've been complying to the pengusaha interest since forever, why don't this time they comply to people's interes